Chapter 18
- "Wisdom Study Version" -
"Wisdom Study Material"
First, On "This & Next Page":
Go To "Initial Wisdom Review" of Chapter 18
That Is,
Go To "Outline", For Topic 01 To 05, On "Page 1 of 2"
Go To "Outline", For Topic 06 To 15, On "Page 2 of 2"
Go To "Text", For Topic 01 To 05, On "Page 1 of 2"
Go To "Text", For Topic 06 To 15, On "Page 2 of 2"
For "Initial Wisdom Review" of "Expanded Version" of Chapter 18
And Second, On "The 3 Last Pages":
of "Expanded Version" of Chapter 17, And
"The Duties of Man"
Author of "Original Version": M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Author of "Additional New Material": Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Go To "Expanded Version"
"Outline of Topics"
(With "Short or Longer Summary" of Each Topic)
(Without An "Outline or Summary or Review")
(With Text of "Outline & Summary & Review",
Plus the "Expanded & Original Text" of Chapter 18)
Page 1 of 2
(For Topics: 01 to 05)
(For Topics: 06 to 15)
Main "Go To" Menu: 

Go To: "The Introduction" - to Chapter 18 ---------------------------------------- Available
Go To: "Wisdom Outline" of "Original Version" of Chapter 18 ------------ Available
Go To: "Wisdom Review" of Expanded Version of Chapter 18 ------------- Available
"Outline or Summary or Review" ----------------------------------------- In Process
"Outline & Summary & Review" Plus the
"Expanded & Original Text" of Chapter 18 ----------------------------- In Process
For Topics: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 --------------------------------------------- In Process
Page 2 of 2 - for Topics 06 to 15 ----------------------------------------- In Process
Go To: Table of Contents - for the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom" ------------ Available
Go To: Related Material - for the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom" --------------- Available
"The Introduction" - to Chapter 18
Opening Greetings - from heart to heart, if you like
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
Bawa. My love you (anbu) My dearest loving Grand Children, My Son and Daugthters, My Brothers and Sisters (Ral.), and all of My dearest loving Children (Ral.) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).
About Chapter 18:
Bawa. Here is "Page 1 of 2" of the On-line Version of both the "Original Version" and an "Expanded Version" of Chapter 18, "The Duties of Man", that is, the "Original Version" by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and an "Expanded Version" by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of the "Original Version" by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), all of which in truth are "One", if you like, all for your reading and hopefully for your sharing enjoyment, if you like. Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen.
Bawa. Please Click HERE to go to the "Original Version" of Chapter 18, "The Duties of Man", by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And HERE to go to "The Wisdom Outline" of the "Original Version" of Chapter 18, and Please Click on the Following for the 4 Different Views of the "Expanded Version" by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of Chapter 18,
1. "Short Outline" of Topics - of Expanded Version, with "Short Summary" of Topics
2. "Longer Outline" of Topics - of Expanded Version, with "Longer Summary" of Topics
3. "Text Only" - of Expanded Version, without An "Outline or Summary or Review"
4. "Text Plus" - of Expanded Version" with Text of Expanded Version, and with the Text of the
"Outline & Summary & Review" Plus the "Expanded & Original Text" of Chapter 18.
That Is, For Page 1 of 2, that is, for Topics: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05.
Also, Please Click HERE to go to Page 2 of 2, that is, for Topics: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
Bawa. Also, Please Click HERE, or Scroll Down, to read the "Initial Comments" on Chapter 18 by Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),in whom "We are well Pleased", that is, for some beautiful Clarity about the Great Contrast between "True Man" and "false man" that God is Now giving to all of His Children through this and other Chapters in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", as well as Now through the heart of Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). Amen. Ok?
Bawa. Also, please Click HERE (
RelatedChapters.html) to read a "A Review of Related Chapters" in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", which first divides the book "The Pearl of Wisdom" into a set of "Related or Similar Chapters", like this Chapter, Chapter 18", along with Chapters 01, 04, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, and then reviews a "Common Wisdom Point" provided in all of them, like "The Great Contrast Between "True Man" and "false man". Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen.
Initial Comments - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), about the True Significance
of Chatper 18
Bawa. My Love You My Dearest Loving Children. Only God can help any of us, that is for sure. And this beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" is a wonderful Gift of God to help you begin to Understand the Nature of True Man, by you First becoming "false man", and then, if you like, by you meeting and accepting a "True Man" on the "outside" of you as "your wisdom", that is, as the Guru/Shaikh Now for your age and for all life.
Bawa. And then by You meeting "True Man" Again, but this time within you, this time as your "Wisdom within your Wisdom", that is, if you properly treat your Physical Guru/Shaikh as such, that is, as Now the "Presence of God" and as the "Word of God" made flesh for your age and for all life, as Now the "Fire of God" burning in the world, that is, if you truly learn from your Physical Guru/Shaikh How To demonstrate the "True Disciple" to God in your lifetime.
Bawa. That is, if you truly Learn From Him How To Truly disappear within Him, before He Leaves The Physical World", for Only then will you will Again meet "True Man", but this time within you, this time as your "Wisdom within your Wisdom", as the "Primal One" or "your Effulgence" within your soul, that is, as True Man within God within you, allowing "You Now As True Man" within God within you, to meet and become "One with" God within True Man, that is, as the "Resonance of Allah", that is, when the "Alif becomes the pillar of the Sukun of the Mim", allowing God to finish telling His Story, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", So in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", So in the End, there is Nothing Still "Separating God" from God. Amen. Ok?
Bawa. For in truth "Understanding Only Occurs through Contrast", and you must first become "Your Own Contrast", you must first become "false man", So your "True Understanding" can occur, that is, you must first become the opposite of "True Man", which is "false man", which in truth is the "current state and life and form" of all of My Children, if you like, that is, if you truly accept this "Pearl of Wisdom" and each of its Chapters as Now God "speaking to you", that is, as God Now speaking to the "wisdom surrounding your soul", awakening your wisdom, if you like,
So your awakened wisdom
Can Now do battle with the
"Enemy of your soul",
which is Now "you",
Which is Now your Contrast,
Which is Now you as "false man".
Bawa. Such is the True Mature of True Man within God within you, and How you become Him, if you like, by letting God use "you" as His Contrast" to liberate your soul and in the process teach your soul, who is your "True Student" within you, who You "Already Are", all of which in truth is Now hidden within all of My Children, like the apple tree and its fruits are hidden within the apple seed buried within the earth, just waiting to germinate to "The Truth" of the apple seed, that in truth the "apple seed" and the "apple tree" are One.
Bawa. All of which in truth is Now hidden within all of My Children, that is, as the "Tree of God" hidden within the "Seed of God", which is Now your soul buried within the Creation of God, just waiting to germinate to "Your Truth", that in truth "You and God" are One, just waiting to emerge from within you as Now both the "Presence of God" and the "Word of God" made flesh for your age and for your life, if you like, that is, if you will just let "false man" End, and let "What Is Next", which is "True Man", Begin, if you will Now join as "One with" the Creation of God, which is in truth Now the "false body" and "false beauty" of your soul, to germinate to "Your Truth", that in Truth "God and Man", and "Man and God", are One.
Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, My Dearest Loving Children, to reveal the "True Body" of your soul which is the "Body of Truth" or the "Crystal heart", which is Jesus (peace be upon Him, and upon Us), and the "True Beauty" of your soul, which is "True Prayer", the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is", which is Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him, and upon Us).
Amen. Ok?
Bawa. In this way, Chapters 18, along with the 8 other Chapters leading up to Chapter 17, that is, Chapters 01, 04, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, provides you with 8 Different Perspectives on the Great Contrast between "True Man" and "false man", both of which are within each of My Children.
Bawa. And In this way, offering each of My Children, if you like, the opportunity to make the Great Transition from "false man" to "True Man" in your own lifetime, that is, before you die to the flesh, that is, before the illusory "outside" of you is over, and you become truly stuck with "false man", and the consequences of "false man", for the rest of your life, both Here, and then for Eternity.
Bawa. So Please Click HERE (
RelatedChapters.html) to read a "A Review of Related Chapters" in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", which first divides the book "The Pearl of Wisdom" into a set of "Related or Similar Chapters", like this Chapter, Chapter 18", along with Chapters 01, 04, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, and then reviews a "Common Wisdom Point" provided in all of them, like "The Great Contrast Between "True Man" and "false man". Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen.
"Short Outline" of Topics - for Chapter 18, With A "Short Summary" of Each Topic. For Page 1 of 2, that is, for Topics: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05.
Please Click HERE to go to Page 2 of 2 of the "Short Outline", that is, for Topics: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
Page 1 of 2 - The Page you are Now Reading. Please Click Below on the "Topic Name" to read the "Text Plus" material for Page 1 of 2, that is, for Topics 01 to 05, for the "Expanded Version" of Chapter 18
1. The Most Important & Most Difficult Task In Ones Life - is to Find a True Man Among the Created Beings of God and To Understand Him, that is, to Understand Him by "Becoming Him", that is, to "Become Him" by First falling into the Life and Teaching of Your Physical Guru/Shaikh while He is still living in the world, while He is still "The Light of God Burning In The World", and then by "Living As Him", in this world and in the Next, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do, all of which in truth for your age and for your life is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", and that is for sure.
2. Man's First Duty - Since Man was Originally Created by God in an "Earthen Pot", Filled with The "Pure Life", and Sent by God To the "Earth World", Man's "First Duty" is "Iman", that is, Man's First Duty is to Have Absolute Faith, Certitude, and Determination in God, that is, for you to have Absolute "Faith, Certitude, and Determination" in your God, that in truth Only Your God exists, not in you as "separate from" your God within you, not in you as "separate from" your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, and not in you as "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which in truth My Children are still mistakenly doing, but to your peril
3. Man's Second Duty - The Second Duty of Man Is "True Prayer", for God has Commanded that Man Must Worship The Lord And Pray To Him, But for man to "Truly Pray", that is, to truly do this in your lifetime, you Must "Swear by God to be Close To God, Breath to Breath, Speech to Speech, and Thus Worship Him". And to do this, that is, for you to "Truly Pray", you must become "One with" God before you "Start to Pray To God", as this child has Now learned to do. And to do this you must truly "Intend" the "Presence of God" as "One with", Rather than continuing to "Intend" "your presence" as "separate from", before you "Start to Pray", and before you "Do, Say, or Write" anything, as this child has Now learned to do.
4. Man's Third Duty - The Third Duty of Man is Charity. And People Say Many Different Things About Charity, Like "You must offer Charity in kind and word, and one-fourth of your income should be given in charity", but in truth the only "True Charity" in all things, and at all times, is to give to others "God's Presence", which is always "Win-Win", Rather than, "your presence", which is always "win-lose". That is, in all things, and at all times, you must offer Charity to others by "stepping back", inviting God to "Step Forward", as this child has Now learned to do.
5. Man's Fourth Duty - The fourth duty is the fast. This must be done. And People Say Many Different Things About Fasting, Like, "You must observe the fast, Not only for the sake of God Himself but also for the benefit of your soul, you must be full of pity and compassion for others. But in truth the only "True Fast" is to fast from "yourself", to fast from "your lower self", from your "base desires" and from your ego, from your false self", that is, to Join in Partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, that is, to Close Down the world of demons, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within you, to Re-open the World of souls within God within you, and then to Open the Kingdom of God within True Man within God within you, all of which in truth are Now the 18,000 Universes within God within you
Page 2 of 2 - the Next Page of the Expanded Version of Chapter 18. Click HERE to go to Page 2 of 2, that is, for Topics: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, for the "Text-Plus" of the Expanded Version of Chapter 18.
The Short Outline of Page 2 of 2, that is, for Topics: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, continues Below for your convenience
6. Man's Fifth Duty - The Fifth Duty is "The Pilgrimage or Hajj". This must be done. People Say Many Different Things About "The Holy Pilgrimage or Hajj", Like, "You must visit the temple which is ten thousand or fifteen thousand miles away in places like Mecca and Medina, and perform Hajj. So tell the ancient men and the rasools (messenger of Allah)", but in truth the only "True Pilgrimage or Hajj" is to Join in Partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to travel within "yourself", that is, to "Seek Yourself within yourself", that is, to First Seek the Sirr or Secret or Essence within the Sifat or Form, and then to Seek the Dhat or Power within the Sirr, First using your wisdom, and then using the Light of your wisdom, to return "Your soul" to God. That is, by First using your Physical Guru/Shaikh as "Your Light", giving yourself completely over to Him as "His Shadow", So He can use this Contrast between Himself and "you" to liberate "Your soul" from "you" as "separate from", and instead to join it as "One with" Him, that is, to use this Contrast between "His Light" and "His Shadow", to Start to "Liberate Your Soul", that is, to Start to teach "Your soul" who "It Already Is", which is "Of God", that is, of the Guru/Shaikh, not "of Creation", not of "you", as all of My Children still mistakenly believe.
7. God Should Be Worshipped By Man - "Through His Conduct", not just through "his practices",
for Example, not just through the formal prayers, for Example, not just through the formal prayers known as "salat" in the Islamic tradition
8. The True Nature of God Is God, Not Man - is "Oneness with", Not "separation from",
For Example, God has no race, no religion, no differences, no relations, no people, no birth and no end. He has no decay or change, He has no comparison or opposite or contrast. For in
"God is a Power. He has no form or shape.
He is alone and yet He is everywhere,
existing as an eternal Power who dwells in all lives
and sees them all as "One"
9. The Most Important Part - of the 5 Duties of Man - are all aspects of calm behavior which should be the ordinary, natural behavior of man throughout his day, day in and day out, throughout his whole life, behavior like, Charity, compassion, generosity, justice, truth, patience, tolerance, tranquillity, duty
10. The Non-human Duties of Man - that man is Now mainly engaged in, all day long, day in and day out, but to his peril, are very different from the Fire Duties given to man by God, all of which in truth is the "Firewood that man is Now growing that will in the End, burn him in hell". For in truth, "Hell is simply the realization that you have "separated yourself from God", which in truth is to have "separated yourself" from "Yourself", from your higher self, all for the pleasure, and comfort of your lower self
11. The Location of "The Ultimate One" Within You - is within the 5 Magical Letters (the Panchadcharam), which in truth are the 5 Duties of Man given to Man by God, all of which in truth is the 5 Letter Form of "Alhamd", of "alif, lam, mim, hay, and dahl", whict in truth is the the 5 Letter Form of the "Suratul Faihah" in the Islamic tradition, that is, when the soul learns to Again take its nourishment, its life, its duty directly from God, that is, when you let it, that is, when you Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to let it happen, that is, to "Let grace spring forth, to let darkness vanish, to let the love of Guru grow, to let qualities be purified"
12. The Non-human Behavior of Man - is in truth the life of the hypocrite, that is, of you saying one thing while doing another, that is, of you placing the five important words or duties of man in the front room while perform sinful evil deeds of the devil in the back room
13. What Troubles The Lord - Is "The Hypocrisy of Man" - is the saying of one thing and the doing of the opposite, for in truth "What destroys the Children of God is the hypocrisy of the parents", the saying of one thing while doing another, and that is for sure.
14. What Belongs To God - Is Everyone and Everything - and what transcends everyone and everything, and the "Power within the Essence of Everyone and Everything", and what is "Within That" Power, which is God's Story, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", which is God First Breathing Out, and God Then Breathing In, which in truth is the "Sound of God", the "Sound of the One becoming the Three, and of the Three becoming the One, Three Times, Here, in this World, Before, in the World of soul, and Now in the Next World", all of which in truth is the "Word of God", for in truth "In the Beginning is the Word, and the Word is With God, and the Word Is God". Amen.
15. How God Does His Duty - by using the "Form of God" or True Man within God within you, not by using man in his current form, which is "false man" within you, which is man as the "form of satan", man as the "form of what God has discarded". This 'falseman" cannot properly do the duty of God, that God has given Man to do, and you cannot change "falseman" into True Man, any more that you can change a "weed" into a "flower", one has to go, one has to be pulled out, either the "weed" or the "flower", either "false man" or True Man, but you cannot have both, and you cannot be both.
"Longer Outline" of Topics - for Chapter 18, With A "Longer Summary" of Each Topic, For Page 1 of 2, that is, for Topics: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05.
Please Click HERE to go to Page 2 of 2 of the "Longer Outline", that is, for Topics: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
Page 1 of 2 - The Page you are Now Reading. Please Click Below on the "Topic Name" to read the "Text Plus" material for Page 1 of 2, that is, for Topics 01 to 05, for the Expanded Version of Chapter 18
1. The Most Important & Most Difficult Task In Ones Life - is to Find a True Man Among the Created Beings of God and To Understand Him, that is, to Understand Him by "Becoming Him", that is, to "Become Him" by First falling into the Life and Teaching of Your Physical Guru/Shaikh while He is still living in the world, while He is still "Burning In The World", and then by "Living As Him", in this world and in the Next, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do, all of which in truth for your age and for your life is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", and that is for sure.
All of which in truth means by Understanding and Thus Transcending what is Now Covering True Man within you, which is "falseman" on the "outside" of you, and the "very real but false" hell within you, that is, within your "heart, or mind, or room". All of which in truth is Now "you", is Now "you living an illusory life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of yourself, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".
2. Man's First Duty - Since Man was Originally Created by God in an "Earthen Pot", Filled with The "Pure Life", and Sent by God To the "Earth World", Man's First Duty is "Iman", that is, Man's First Duty is to Have Absolute Faith, Certitude, and Determination in God, that is, for you to have Absolute "Faith, Certitude, and Determination" in your God, that in truth Only Your God exists, not in you as "separate from" your God within you, not in you as "separate from" your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, and not in you as "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which in truth My Children are still mistakenly doing, but to your peril.
That is, Man's First Duty is to Have Absolute Faith, Certitude, and Determination in God, that is, in his Creator, as His Nourisher, and as His Redeemer, that in truth there is "Nothing Other Than God", and that "God Is One". And as such Man must have "unshakable" Faith and Trust in his God, and At The Same Time, Man must Not Have "unshakable" Faith and Trust" in anyone or anything Other Than God, including in "himself", that is, not in anyone or anything that man has Now Become, in his ignorance and Now in his arrogance about his ignorance, or that man is Now Experiencing as "Who he is", as "Where he is", or as "What is happening" in his life
3. Man's Second Duty - The Second Duty of Man Is "True Prayer", for God has Commanded that Man Must Worship The Lord And Pray To Him, But for man to "Truly Pray", that is, to truly do this in your lifetime, you Must "Swear by God to be Close To God, Breath to Breath, Speech to Speech, and Thus Worship Him". And to do this, that is, for you to "Truly Pray", you must become "One with" God before you "Start to Prays To God", as this child has Now learned to do.
And to do this you must truly "Intend" the "Presence of God" as "One with", Rather than continuing to "Intend" "your presence" as "separate from", before you "Start to Pray", and before you "Do, Say, or Write" anything, as this child has Now learned to do. And to do this you must Realize, Understand, Accept, and "Say The Name" of the Guru/Shaikh that God has Now Given for your age and for all life, before you "Start to Pray", before you "Do, Say, or Write" Anything, as this child has Now learned to do, First on the "outside" of you, with God Now on the "outside" of you as your Physical Guru/Shaikh, and then within you, as God within your Physical Guru/Shaikh.
And Now in truth for your age and for all life, God's Name For your Guru/Shaikh is "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and God's Gift of a Physical Guru/Shaikh for your age and Now for all life, is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", and that is for sure. Amen.
4. Man's Third Duty - The Third Duty of Man is Charity. And People Say Many Different Things About Charity, Like "You must offer Charity in kind and word, and one-fourth of your income should be given in charity", but in truth the only "True Charity" in all things, and at all times, is to give to others "God's Presence", which is always "Win-Win", Rather than, "your presence", which is always "win-lose". That is, in all things, and at all times, you must offer Charity to others by "stepping back", inviting God to "Step Forward", as this child has Now learned to do.
And to do this, Now in your age and for all life, to do this "Giving of True Charity", that is, this Giving of "God's Presence" Rather than your "presence", this Stepping Back, so God can Step Forward, Rather than you "stepping forward", in all things and at all times, you must say the Word "Bawa", that is, you must say the Name of your Guru/Shaikh for your age, and Now for all life, before you "Say, or Do, or Write" anything, as this child has Now learned to do, and you must Now Start to accept as your Physical Guru/Shaikh for your age, and Now for all life, and Now Start to use Him as such, Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased". Amen
5. Man's Fourth Duty - The fourth duty is the fast. This must be done. And People Say Many Different Things About Fasting, Like, "You must observe the fast, Not only for the sake of God Himself but also for the benefit of your soul, you must be full of pity and compassion for others".
But in truth the only "True Fast" is to fast from "yourself", that is, to Join in Partnership with God,
First on the "outside" of you and then within you, that is, to Close Down the world of demons, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within you, to Re-open the World of souls within God within you, and then to Open the Kingdom of God within True Man within God within you, all of which in truth are Now the 18,000 Universes within God within you.
That is, to "Truly Fast" you must Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you as your Physical Guru/Shaikh, and then within you, as God within You, as God within the Physical Guru/Shaikh, in order to Close Down the 9 openings of your elemental body that Now Rule Over You with God's Permission.
That is, to "Truly Fast" you must Join as "One with" God within you to Close Down the World of demons within you, which is Now you living below your waist, and Close Down the World of jinns within you, which is Now you living as your stomach, and Close Down the World of fairies within you, which is Now you living within our chest as the false lives or impure souls within your chest, all animated by the soul which is Now formless and soundless within you, and all controlling you as the 9 openings of your elemental body, with God's Permission, that is, as the 7 openings in your head and the two openings below, and all of which in truth are the 1st 1000 of the 18,000 Universes within God within you.
And then as the Qutb, the Action of God within you, you must Join as "One with" God within you Re-open the World of souls within God within you, all of which in truth are the Next 16,000 of the 18,000 universes within God within you, and then as True Man within God within you, you must Join as "One with" God to Open the Kingdom of God within True Man within God within you, which in truth are the Last 1000 of the 18,000 Universes within God within you.
That is, you must join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to Close down everything that Now Falsely Defines you as "a person", that is, that Now Falsely Defines you as "your parents", as the "Enemy of your soul", as the "anti-christ", as "Jesus (A.S.) on His Cross", as one who exists as "separate from", all of which is "Just Not True".
That Now Define you as a "false fellowship" of "like minded people" who come together to talk, and talk, and talk about everyone and everything, including talking about God, But Never to become what you talk about, But Never to Become "One with" the Creation of God, But Never to Become "One with" each other, But Never to Become "One with" God. And in this way, and only in this way, But Never to "Become God".
Page 2 of 2 - the Next Page of the Expanded Version of Chapter 18. Click HERE to go to Page 2 of 2, that is, for Topics: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, for the "Text-Plus" of the Expanded Version of Chapter 18.
The "Longer Outline" of Page 2 of 2, that is, for Topics: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, continues Below for your convenience
6. Man's Fifth Duty - The Fifth Duty is "The Pilgrimage or Hajj". This must be done. People Say Many Different Things About "The Holy Pilgrimage or Hajj", Like, "You must visit the temple which is ten thousand or fifteen thousand miles away in places like Mecca and Medina, and perform Hajj. So tell the ancient men and the rasools (messenger of Allah)", but in truth the only "True Pilgrimage or Hajj" is to Join in Partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to travel within "yourself", that is, to "Seek Yourself within yourself", that is, to First Seek the Sirr or Secret or Essence within the Sifat or Form, and then to Seek the Dhat or Power within the Sirr, First using your wisdom, and then using the Light of your wisdom, to return "Your soul" to God.
That is, by First using your Physical Guru/Shaikh as "Your Light", giving yourself completely over to Him as "His Shadow", So He can use this Contrast between Himself and "you", that is, between "His Light" and "His Shadow", to Start to liberate "Your soul" from "you" as "separate from", and instead to join it as "One with" Him, that is, to use this Contrast between "His Light" and "His Shadow", to Start to "Liberate Your Soul", that is, to Start to teach "Your soul" who "It Already Is", which is "Of God", that is, of the Guru/Shaikh, not "of Creation", not of "you", as all of My Children still mistakenly believe.
And in this way, and only in this way, by awakening the wisdom surrounding your soul, So the awakened wisdom can Start to do battle with the "Enemy of your soul", which in truth is Now "you", is Now "you" living a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, of selfishness, on the illusory "outside" of yourself as "your parents", all of which in truth is "Just Not True". And then using God within You, to "Become True Man within God" within you, because if you truly let your Physical Guru/Shaikh "Have His Way With You", you will most certainly become the True Guru/Shaikh Now for your age, and for all life, for in truth God exists within the True Guru/Shaikh, if you like.
7. God Should Be Worshipped By Man - "Through His Conduct", not just through "his practices", for Example, not just through the formal prayers, for Example, not just through the formal prayers known as "salat" in the Islamic tradition
8. The True Nature of God - God has no race, no religion, no differences, no relations, no people, no birth and no end. He has no decay or change, He has no comparison or opposite or contrast. For in truth,
"God is a Power who has no form or shape.
He is alone and yet He is everywhere,
existing as an eternal Power who dwells in all lives
and sees them all as "One".
9. The Most Important Part - of the 5 Duties of Man, are all aspects of Calm Behavior which should be the ordinary, natural behavior of man throughout his day, day in and day out, throughout his whole life, behavior like, Charity, compassion, generosity, justice, truth, patience, tolerance, tranquillity, duty
10. The Non-human Duties of Man - that man is Now mainly engaged in, all day long, day in and day out, but to his peril, Non-normal Duties that are very different from the Fire Duties given to man by God, that in truth are the "Firewood that man is Now growing that will in the End, burn him in hell", for in truth, "Hell is simply the realization that you have "separated yourself from God", which in truth is to have "separated yourself" from "Yourself", from your higher self, all for the pleasure, and comfort of your lower self
11. The Location of "The Ultimate One" - is within the 5 Magical Letters (the Panchadcharam), the 5 Duties of Man, which in truth is the 5 Letter Form of "Alhamd", of "alif, lam, mim, hay, and dahl", when the soul learns to take its nourishment, its life, its duty Again directly from God
12. Non-human Behavior of Man - is in truth the life of the hypocrite, that is, of saying one thing while doing another, that is, of placing the five important words or duties of man in the front room while perform sinful evil deeds of the devil in the back room
13. What Troubles The Lord - is the hypocrisy of man, the saying of one thing and the doing of the opposite, for in truth "What destroys the Children of God is the hypocrisy of the parents", and that is for sure.
14. What Belongs To God - is everyone and everything, and what transcends everyone and everything, and the "Power within the Essence of Everyone and Everything", and what is "Within That" Power, which is God's Story, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", which is God Breathing Out, and God Then Breathing In, which is the Word of God, for in truth "In the Beginning is the Word, and the Word is With God, and the Word Is God". Amen.
15. How God Does His Duty - by using the "Form of God" or True Man, not by using man in his current form, which is "false man", which is man as the "form of satan", as the "form of what God has discarded". This 'falseman" cannot properly do the duty of God, that God has given man to do, any more that you can change a "weed" into a "flower", one has to go, either the "weed" or the "flower", either "false man" or True Man, but you cannot have both, and you cannot be both.
And this is the flaw in how all of My Children are currently performing your duties, that is, you is trying to do God's duties using yourself as "separate from" God, which is "falseman", Rather than using God as "One with" God, which in truth is "True Man". You are trying to Do True Man's Duties, which in truth are God's Duties, without "Using God", without First become "One with" God, without First becoming True Man within God, that is, without First Joining in Partnership with God to Let God reveal the "Form of God" hidden within the "form of the satan" within you, in order to reveal True Man hidden within God within "false man" within you.
That is, without First Affirming, Glorifying, and Using God within yourself, that is, without First Joining in Partnership with God, that is, as "One with" God within you, to reveal the "Form of Light" hidden within God within the "form of darkness" within yourself.
That is, without First Letting yourself as "separate from" End, come to an End, that is, be destroyed by God so True man as "One with" is revealed by God within God within you, that is, from within "falseman" within "Your Mind" within you.
That is, without First Letting God "Cure Himself of you", but this time within you, That Is, within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while More on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen.
"Text Plus" of Expanded Version - of Chapter 18, that is, With the Text of the "Outline & Summary & Review" of Chapter 18, Plus the "Expanded & Original Text" of Chapter 18.
For Page 1 of 2, that is, for Topics: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05. Please Click HERE to go to
Page 2 of 2 of "Text Plus", that is, for Topics: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
1. The Most Important & Most Difficult Task In Ones Life - is to Find a True Man Among the Created Beings of God and To Understand Him, that is, to Understand Him by "Becoming Him"
"Short Summary" of Topic 01:
Bawa. The Most Important & Most Difficult Task In Ones Life is to Find a True Man Among the Created Beings of God and To Understand Him, that is, to Understand Him by "Becoming Him".
That is, to "Become Him" by First falling into the Life and Teaching of Your Physical Guru/Shaikh while He is still living in the world, while He is still "Burning In The World", and then by "Living As Him", in this world and in the Next, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you.
And for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do, all of which in truth for your age and for your life is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", and that is for sure
"Longer Summary" of Topic 01:
Bawa. All of which in truth means by Understanding and Thus Transcending what is Now Covering True Man within you, which in truth is "falseman" on the "outside" of you, and the "very real but false" hell within you, that is, within your "heart, or mind, or room".
Bawa. All of which in truth is Now "you", is Now "you living an illusory life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of yourself as "your parents", that is, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".
Bawa. That is, by you Now Completely Accepting and Completely Submitting To True Man on the "outside" of you, as Now in truth "You" within "you", as Now your higher self hidden within your lower self, as Now your own Life speaking to "you", In Order To "Become True Man", in Order to Understand True Man. So You can then do the same.
Bawa. That is, So You can then Become "True Man within God" within you, First within you, and then on the "outside" of you, as this child has Now learned to do. And in this way, and only in this way, with you allowing God within you to Finish telling and bringing to Completion the First Part of "God's Story", but this time "within you".
Bawa. That is, "God Story" which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", with the First Part of that Story being the Story of "True Man within God" within you, allowing "True Man within God" within you, as Now "You", to then Start to tell and bring to Completion the Second Part of "God's Story", the Second Part of God's Story, which is the Story of "God within True Man", So in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", So in the End, there is Nothing Still "Separating God" from God within you.
"Initial Review" of Topic 01:
Bawa. The Most Important Duty of Man is to Find a True Man among the Creation of God and To Submit To Him, in order To Become Him, in order To Become True Man within God within you, and in this way, and only in this way, in order To Understand Him, in order to Understand True Man within God within you, and in this way, and only in this way, in order to Transcend Him, in order To Become God within True Man within God within you, and in this way, and only in this way, in order to Understand God, in order to Understand God within True Man within you.
Bawa. So if You Like, You can Then Tell Your Story Again, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within You, because Then in truth Only You Exist, and within You is Again Everything, Everything Necessary for You to Manifest Your Understanding of Yourself outside of You Again, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within You, For Example, as the 3 Worlds, as the 9 Names of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), as the Story of God, as the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man". Amen..
Bawa. That is, Your Most Important Duty "Now" is to Find Your True Shaikh/Guru for your age and for all life, and To Submit To Him, which means to "Become His Baby", So He Can Raise You", because you cannot "Raise An Adult", For example, you cannot raise you as "your parents", for only then, as "His Baby" can you Now live, grow, and develop into True Man within God within you, in your own lifetime.
Bawa. All of which you earlier did with "your parents", with you first coming to them as "their baby", with you Now having become "your parents". That is, with you earlier finding "your parents" and submitting to them as "their baby", allowing them to raise you into themselves, into "your parents", all of which you have Now become, with you Now having become "your parents", with you Now having "become them", and having Now "become them" you can Now understand them, you can Now understand "your parents", your can Now understand "falseman", which in truth is the "shadow" of "True Man".
Bawa. And Now as "His shadow" you are Now of "Great Value" to True Man, if you like, that is, if you will only return yourself to Him as "His shadow", and Now Let Him Again be "Your Light", be the Light of your soul, So using both, using Himself as "Your Light" and you as "His Shadow", using this "Contrast" of Him and you, He can liberate "Your soul", by teaching "Your soul" about who "It Already Is", through this "Contrast", and who "It Already Is" is the "Seed of God" buried in the Creation of God, ready to germinate to "Your Truth", that in truth is that "You and God" are One, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you.
Bawa. So Now you must come to your Physical Guru/Shaikh as "His Baby" and let Him raise you again, let yourself "Become Him", let yourself become Yourself, let "falseman" become True Man within God within you, and in this way, and only in this way, let yourself "Understand True Man", and Next as True Man within God within you must become "God's Baby", and let Yourself "Become Him", let True Man "Become God", and in this way, and only in this way, let Yourself "Understand God", by "Becoming God".
Bawa. And in this way you have 3 Gods, not just One. Your First God is your mother and
father in the world, they are your First God, with you mother teaching you about your body, and your father teaching you about the world. And your Second God is your Physical Guru/Shaikh, He will teach you about your soul and the relationship between your soul and God, and your Third God is God, He will teach God about God.
Bawa. So Now is the time in your life for your Second God, not for your Third God, that is, for your
Second God, which is your Physical Guru/Shaikh, Not For Your Third God, which is God, as all of My Children still mistakenly believe, Now is the time in your life to learn about what your parents did not and could not teach you, which is about your soul and the relationship between your soul and God, not about what God.
Bawa. Because only God can teach "Your soul" about God, not your Physical Guru/Shaikh, as Only your Physical Guru/Shaikh can Now teach "you" about "Your soul", not "your parents", as Only your parents could have taught "you" about "our body" and about "your world".
Bawa. For in truth God can Only teach "Your soul" about God when your soul Re-establishes a direct relationship again with God, by becoming the Physical Guru/Shaikh, and then by "Your soul" Joining as "One with" God within You Now as the Physical Guru/Shaikh.
Bawa. That is, when "Your soul" has completed its studies in this First of God's Schools within you, in this "School of Contrast" within you, and becomes the "Child of Light" that is Now hidden within You, hidden within You as the Physical Guru/Shaikh, that is Now hidden within the "child of darkness" within you, and having graduated from this First School the soul as the "Child of Light" goes off to the Second of God's Schools within you which is the "School of Light", So God can teach God about God.
Bawa. But That Is The Next Learning for "Your soul", Not The Learning For Now, Once You Become True Man within God within you, But Now this is your learning, this is the learning of "Your soul" in you Now as this "School of Contrast" for "your soul", that is, learning about what is Now "separating your soul from God", all of which is Now you, all of which is Now your mind and desires, all of which is Now you living a life of "separation and difference" on the illusory "outside" of yourself, with you Now being ruled over by the 9 openings of your elemental body, with God's Permission, that is, until you "See God and Steady God" within you.
Bawa. And this learning in this "School of Contrast", this learning by "Your soul" within you Now as the "School of Contrast" is not about God, is not about what you Now call "God", all of which in truth, in your ignorance and now in your arrogance about your ignorance, is not really about "God" but Rather is just about a reflection of you as "god", is just about the imaginary "God" that you have been given by the world, by your race and religions, and that you have made up, in order to fit the images of your mind and desires.
Bawa. But God is not like that, God is not a life of "separation and differences", God is not a life of "separate from", God is not "self focus" or selfishness, Rather God is "Oneness", God is "Justice and Truth", God is "Compassion and Unity", that is,
"God is a Power. He has no form or shape.
He is alone and yet He is everywhere,
existing as an eternal power
who dwells in all lives and sees them all as One"
Bawa. But that True learning about God within God is for Another Day, when you have truly become True Man within God within you, and having Understood True Man you are Then Ready to Become God within True Man, but Now this is your learning, which is Not About God, but Rather is Learning about True Man within God, that is, by Learning How To Overcome "falseman" within you, that is, by Learning How To Overcome who you have Now become, both within you as the 7 hells, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, as the 8th hell, all of which you have Now become in your ignorance and Now in your arrogance about your ignorance, all of which in truth is Now you having become "your parents", which is "false man", which in truth is the "enemy of the soul".
Bawa. And Only after this learning is complete, this learning about True Man within God within you, by "Becoming and Understanding True Man" within God within you, is it time to learn about God, that is, Only after this Understanding is done, and you have become your Physical Guru/Shaikh, you have become True Man within God within you, by Joining in Partnership with True Man within God within you, in order to dispel "false man" within you, is it time to learn about God, about God within True Man.
Bawa. That is, Only After you have Joined in Partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, that is, to dispel "your parents" from within your "Heart, or Mind, or Room", and in this way, and only in this way, to have revealed True Man within God within you, is it time to learn about God.
Bawa. That is, Only after you have truly fallen into God on the "outside" of you in order to dispel "false man" from within True Man within you, that is, Only after you have allowed yourself as the "shadow" of the Guru to disappear into the Guru, by letting True Man or "Your wisdom" to dawn from within God within you, while your Physical Guru/Shaikh is still living in the world, that is, while He is still "Burning in the world" as the "Light of God" Now for your age and for all life, is it time to learn about God.
Bawa. That is, Only after you have become True Man within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do, is it time to learn about God, for in truth Only God can learn about God.
Bawa. That is, Only by you First as "false man", as "your parents" on the "outside" of yourself,
Submitting to True Man within God on the "outside" of you, which is your Physical Guru/Shaikh, will your life truly move forward in your lifetime.
Bawa. That is, Only with "you" Submitting to "True Man within God" on the "outside" of you, which is your Physical Guru/Shaikh, Submitting to Him as "His Shadow", as His "School of Contrast" within Him, that is, as what "God has discarded" from within Himself, in order to become God within you, will your life truly move forward in your lifetime.
Bawa. All of which is Now the "form of the satan" within you, which is Now Everything within your "heart or mind or room", which in truth is Now the 5 elemental spirits that Now form the "Co-operative Store" within you, for "their profit", not for yours, all of which is Now the "world of demons", the "world of jinns", and the "world of fairies" within you, all of which are Now the 1st 1000 of the 18,000 universes within you.
Bawa. Only with"you" Submitting to God in this way, that is, Submitting to the "Presence of God" within True Man within you, will your life truly move forward in your lifetime, all of which in truth is Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) HERE and NOW within you, for all of the Creation of God within you, and for all of the Creation of God, within God within you, which is the other 17,000 universes within you.
Bawa. Only then will you truly become successful in your lifetime, for in truth,
"Life is the victory of wisdom reasoning over fate"
Bawa. All of which is Now what fills your "Heart or Mind or Room" within you, and all of which will only Submit to God within you, that is, to the "Presence of God" within True Man within God within you, after "you" Submit to God on the "outside" of you, that is, after you truly Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you as "True Man's Baby", and then within you as "God's Baby".
Bawa. And Only Then, when you truly Submit to God on the "outside" of you, So they can Submit to God within you, can learning about God begin.
Bawa. For in truth, First you must become True Man within God within you, to First Understand True Man, allowing True Man within God within you to become God within True Man, that is, allowing God to become God, allowing God to Understand God, and that is for sure, allowing God to finish telling and bringing to Completion His Story, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Please do it like this, My Dearest Loving Children, and God will Do Everything Else, everything else necessary to make your life truly successful in your lifetime. And that is for sure. Amen.
"Expanded Review" of Topic 01: - Please read "Initial Review of Topic 01" first
Bawa. So it is for True Man hidden within you, My Dearest Loving Children, that is, hidden within "false man" within you, and Now is the time for you to understanding True Man within God within you, by You "Becoming Him", that is, by you truly giving up what you have Now "Become" which is "your parents", in your ignorance and now in your arrogance about your ignorance.
Bawa. That is, by you truly being done with "you", with you as "false man", with you as "your parents", because you Now realize, understand, accept, and join with the "Truth of You", with the "Truth of You" that has Now emerged out of the "falsehood of you", because Now you are ready to hear it, and Now you are ready to Either Accept Or Reject it, that is, Now you are ready to Either Accept Or Reject the "Truth of You", that in truth you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God, and that the Creation of God contains Everything Necessary for the "Tree of God" hidden within you to grow, come to maturity, and to bear fruit, and that hidden within the sweet taste of each mature "Fruit of God", which is your Guru/Shaikh, is again the "Seed of God", is Again the "True Disciple", but this time a 1000 fold. Amen.
Bawa. For Now it is time for all of My Children to do this, that is, to Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to Do This "Hearts Work", that is, to Understand True Man hidden within "false man", hidden within you Now living as "your parents", that is, Now hidden within "you" Now living as "your parents" on the illusory "outside" of yourself, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if your are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True". Amen.
Bawa. And to do this you must First find True Man living on the "outside" of you, and submit to Him, submit to True Man, that is, become "One with" True Man, in Everything that He Is, in Everything that He does, in order to "Become True Man", in order to Understand True Man, and that is for sure.
Bawa. For as the apple tree is hidden within the apple seed buried within the earth, and for the apple seed to understand the apple tree, the apple seed must submit to "Its Truth" and germinate, and Now So Must You, if you like, for the Choice is Now yours, not God.
Bawa. That is, the apple seed buried within the earth must "become the apple tree" growing in the earth if it is ever to understand "Its Truth", that is, it must submit to "The Truth" that it is an apple seed, that it is buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow.
Bawa. And Now for you to understand True Man within God, and God within True Man, So Must You, that is, you must Now do the same thing that the apple seed did, if it likes, to understand "Its Truth", which is "Germinate to Its Truth".
Bawa. Because in truth, like with all people, "No All Apple Seeds Germinate", Some refuse to join with "Their Truth", and instead, continue living in the earth as "separate from" the earth, even after hearing "Their Truth", and gradually rot in the earth, die in the earth, and are absorbed into the earth, taking on 105 million re-births, but never again as an apple seed, never again as the "Story of the Oneness of the Apple Seed and the Apple Tree", a Story that the apple seed came from the apple tree, to join as "One with" the earth, to tell, if it likes. Amen.
Bawa. That is, for you, and all of My Children, to Germinate to "Your Truth", you must Now Join in partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, as "One with" God, that is, with you "Letting Yourself Be God", that is, with you Now letting "God be You, and You be God", that is, with you Now "Accepting Your Truth", and then Joining with God, to "Germinate to Your Truth", letting God "Make It So" in your own lifetime, or at least letting God "Start" to "Make It So" in your lifetime, for in truth then "God will Do Everything Else" necessary to "Make It So", and that is for sure, for that is "God's Promise", that is "God's Guarantee" for your age, that is,
"If you are there then I am not there,
and if I am there then you are not There"
Bawa. So the "Truth of You" is Now "You", is Now God, is Now "True Man within God within you", and then, when True Man comes to maturity within God within you, is Then, "God within True Man within God" within you, both together making up the Story of God, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", First as the Story of "True Man within God" within you, and then, as the Story of "God within True Man" within God within you.
Bawa. That is, with you Now living as "you", but with "You" Now hidden within "you", as Now the "Form of God" or the "Form of Light" Now hidden within the "form of darkness", that is, as Now hidden within the "form of everything" that God discarded, to become God within you, all of which in truth is called "the satan" in the Islamic tradition, and Now in the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) tradition is known as the "Enemy of the soul", or as the "anti-christ", or as "Jesus (A.S.) on His Cross", or as the "Brass Vessel", or as "your parents", or as your "false fellowship" of "like minded people", who come together and talk and talk and talk, but Never become "One with" what they talk about, to become what they talk about, to truly understand what they talk about .
Bawa. So To Do This, To Understand God In Your Lifetime, or to at least Start to walk this "Path of Truth" in you lifetime, you must do this, you must do this Joining as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you as "True Man within God", as Now your Shaikh/Guru for your age and for all life, and then within you, as God within True Man within God within you, for in truth,
"You will Only Find God
within the Exaltedness of your own life".
Bawa. All of which in truth is Now You as "True Man within God" within you, and only within That, within "True Man within God" within you, as Now what is "Within God" within you, will you ever find God, will you ever become Again "One with" God, but this time with an Understanding of "Who You Are", So You and God will Never be "separated Again", all for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen.
"Expanded Text" of Topic 01:
Swami. O Great Guru, what are the duties of man in this world? How are we to live, grow, and develop? How are we to find the True Guru and submit to him? Swami, tell this to me fully.
O Son, Listen. Allah created all lives and among them He created man, the highest form of being. To be such a man:
1. Firstly, you must have determination in God, and unshakable faith and trust in Allah, and you must realize without the Slightest Doubt that in truth "There Is Nothing Other Than God", that God is Everything and Everywhere, that in truth Everyone and Everything is "Working for God", that is, Everything and Everywhere is Some Aspect of what God is Now doing with what is "Within God" within you, which is Revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing, and if you like, that you can also learn to do, from this child, if you like.
2. Secondly, you must swear by God to be close to Him, breath to breath, speech to speech, and thus worship Him, and you must also realize without the Slightest Doubt that the most important aspect of worship is "Intention", and that the only "Correct Intention" in your worship of God, and in your duty for God, is the "Presence of God", for in truth each of My Children always have one of two things to give, at each moment in your life, in each situation in your life, Either the "Presence of God" which is always "One with", and which is always "Win-Win", Or "your presence" which is always "separate from", and is always "win-lose", and the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of which you "Intend" at any moment in your life, Either God Or "you", and that is for sure.
3. Thirdly, you must offer charity in kind and word. One-fourth of your income should be given in charity, and you must realize without the Slightest Doubt that "Nothing Belongs To You", because in truth "Everything Belongs to God", including your Body, Property, and Life, So make "Yourself Available" to God for what "God Is Doing" with what is Now "Within God" within you, which is Revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters as this child is Now doing. Amen.
4. Fourthly, not only for the sake of God Himself but also for the benefit of your soul, you must be full of pity and compassion for others, and observe the fast. The fourth duty is the fast. This must be done. And to successfully do "The Fast" you must realize without the Slightest Doubt that the "True Fast" is to fast from "you", that is, to fast from "yourself", to fast from "your presence", that is, to fast from you living on the illusory "outside" of you, as if your are "separate from" God's Presence within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters presence, and as if your are "separate from" the presence of God's Creation, within God within you, all of which in truth is "Just Not True". That is, to fast from your current life of "separation and differences", your current life of sin, your current life of "selfishness", a life that you are Now living in your ignorance on the illusory "outside" of yourself, and a life that you Now Refuse to Give Up, "No Matter What", in your arrogance about your ignorance, that is, that you Now Refuse to Give Up, No Matter What God tells you to the contrary, that in truth "You and God" are One, that you and your brothers and sisters are One, and that you and the Creation of God are One. For in truth this is the "Real Fast", not just you fasting from eating during the day for a month, but Rather, you fasting from you "licking hell" each moment of your life.
5. Fifthly, you must visit the temple which is ten thousand or fifteen thousand miles away in places like Mecca and Medina, and perform Hajj. So tell the ancient men and the rasools (messenger of Allah). This fifth duty should be performed by everybody in this world. This is being done now. However, the True Pilgrimage or Hajj is the "Journey of Truth" within your very own life, that is, the Journey of your soul back to God, that is, the journey of your 6th life from the "current illusion", which is the current "outside" of you to the "current falsehood" of you, which is the "current inside" of you, all which is the 7 hells within your "heart or mind or room".
That is, the Journey from "your illusion" to "your falsehood", which is Now the life of each of My Children, that is, A Journey from your "current illusion" or "outside" of you which in truth is Now your 8th hell, or the "heaven of the satan", that Now defines each of My Children as "a person" in "false fellowship", that is, as "a person" living on the illusory "outside" of yourself, coming together with other "like minded people", to talk and talk and talk about everyone and everything, including to talk about God, but Never to become "One with" what you talk about.
But Rather always to Continue living as if you are "separate from' what you talk about, that is, always to Continue living as if you are separate from God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which in truth is "Just Not True". And in this way, a Journey from your "current illusion", your "current outside", to the "very real but false" Now inside of your "heart, or mind, or room", which in truth is Now the 7 hells within you, which in truth is Now the 5 elemental lives of the 5 elements within you, that is, the 5 ruhanies or elemental spirits that have Now grown and come to maturity within you, that in truth really make up the life Now of each of My Children.
The 5 ruhanies who you will Next become if you are not wise, that is, if you don't wise up, if you don't truly become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh, and if you don't, which you will then become after you die to the flesh, with them becoming your "Suffering in the grave" within you, and then becoming your Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within you.
All of which in truth are Now the 5 worlds of earth, water, fire, air, and ether within your "heart or mind or room", all of which in truth are Now the 1st 1000 of the 18,000 universes within you, that you have Now opened within you in your ignorance, that is, as the world of demons, or below you waist or false creation, as the world of jinns, or your stomach or false destruction, as the world of fairies, as your chest or false life and redemption, and as the world of ghosts, or your head or false self.
All of which in truth is what "God has discarded" to become God within you, and all of which is what God has Now let you fill you "heart or mind or room" with in your ignorance, and all of which God will Discard Again, if you like, from within you, revealing God Again, but this time in your "Heart or Mind or Room", if you like. But all of which you Now refuse to Let Him Again Discard, all of which you now refuse to Let Him Close Down, No Matter What, Now in your arrogance about your ignorance, that is, No Matter What God tells and shows to you to the Contrary, For Example, that in truth, "Man and God" are One.
And Next if you become wise, that is, if you Again Let God Again Become God, but this time within you, within your "Heart or Mind or Room", all of which in truth you will Next experience in your "heart or mind or room" as the Next 17,000 of the 18,000 universes within you, that is, if you Let Your Life become the "Presence of God", and the "Word of God" made flesh for your age and for your life, that is, if you Join in Partnership with God within you, as "One with" God within you, in order to Close down the world of demons, the world of jinns, the world of fairies, and the world of ghosts within you "heart or mind or room", and Re-open the World of souls within your "Heart or Mind or Room", and then Open the Kingdom of God within the Re-opened World of souls within your "Heart or Mind or Room".
All of which in truth is the Journey from the "very real but false" world of darkness and falsehood "within the satan" within you to the "Very Real And True" World of Light and Truth "Within God" within you, all of which in truth is "You" within "you" if you like, All of which in truth is what God is Now using to tell and bring to Completion His Story within you, if you like, all of which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", within God within you, if you like. For in truth the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to let God use your life to tell and bring to Completion His Story, or not, but this time within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen.
It is said that these are the important duties of man.
"Original Text" of Topic 01:
Swami. O Great Guru, what are the duties of man in this world? How are we to live, grow, and develop? How are we to find the True Guru and submit to him? Swami, tell this to me fully.
O Son, Listen. Allah created all lives and among them He created man, the highest form of being. To be such a man:
1. Firstly, you must have determination in God, and unshakable faith and trust in Allah.
2. Secondly, you must swear by God to be close to Him, breath to breath, speech to speech, and thus worship Him.
3. Thirdly, you must offer charity in kind and word. One-fourth of your income should be given in charity.
4. Fourthly, not only for the sake of God Himself but also for the benefit of your soul, you must be full of pity and compassion for others, and observe the fast. The fourth duty is the fast. This must be done.
5. Fifthly, you must visit the temple which is ten thousand or fifteen thousand miles away in places like Mecca and Medina, and perform Hajj. So tell the ancient men and the rasools (messenger of Allah). This fifth duty should be performed by everybody in this world. This is being done now.
It is said that these are the important duties of man.
2. Man's First Duty - Since Man was Originally Created by God in an "Earthen Pot", Filled with The "Pure Life", and Sent by God To the "Earth World", Man's "First Duty" is "Iman"
"Short Summary" of Topic 02:
Bawa. Since Man was Originally Created by God in an "Earthen Pot", Filled with The "Pure Life", and Sent by God To the "Earth World", Man's First Duty is "Iman", that is, Man's First Duty is to Have Absolute Faith, Certitude, and Determination in God.
Bawa. That is, for you to have Absolute "Faith, Certitude, and Determination" in your God, that in truth Only Your God exists, not in you as "separate from" your God within you, not in you as "separate from" your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, and not in you as "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which in truth My Children are still mistakenly doing, but to your peril.
"Longer Summary" of Topic 02:
Bawa. That is, Man's First Duty is to Have Absolute Faith, Certitude, and Determination in God, that is, in his Creator, as His Nourisher, and as His Redeemer, that in truth there is "Nothing Other Than God", and that "God Is One".
Bawa. And as such Man must have "unshakable" Faith and Trust in his God, and At The Same Time, Man must Not Have "unshakable" Faith and Trust in anyone or anything Other Than God, including in "himself", that is, not in anyone or anything that man has Now Become, in his ignorance and Now in his arrogance about his ignorance, or that man is Now Experiencing as "Who he is", as "Where he is", or as "What is happening" in his life
"Initial Review" of Topic 02:
Bawa. Man was Created Originally by God in an "Earthen Pot", Filled with The Pure Life, and Sent To the "Earth World", which initially came into the world as the "Womb of your Mother", that is, as the "Earthen Pot" which in truth in True Man is becomes His "Inner Heart" or "Qalb" or "Crystal Heart", or "Pearl of Wisdom", or "Body of Truth", or as His "Re-opened World of Souls", or as "Jesus (A.S.) Liberated from His Cross" by wisdom, or as the "Palace of the soul", or as the "House of wisdom", that is, House of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), or as the "Ship of the Qutb", or as the "11 Weapons of the Qutb".
Bawa. That is, as the "Form of Truth" for "Your soul" created by the Qutb or Action of God from your "ocean of illusion", when you are ready, that is, when you are ready to "sit down" as "separate from" God by calling "Your wisdom" into action, into "Standing Up" as "One with" God, as the "Presence of God", as the "Word of God" made flesh, for your age and for all life.
Bawa. Coming as the "Beauty of the Human Form" which is made up of 4 of the 5 Mystical Letters (Panchadcharam) of man) that is, as 4 of the 5 Mystical Letters of Al-hamd, of "alif, lam, mim, hay, and dahl", which as 5 Joined as One is the Form of the Suratul Fatihah within man, is the Essence of the 28 letters within man, is the "Secret World of the Truth of Allah" within man, is the 8th heaven, the Kingdom of God within man, is the firdaus of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within man, all of which appears within man as the "Secret World of Truth" within man.
Bawa. And this "Secret World of Truth" appears within man, from out of the "Form of Truth" within man, when "Your soul" Joined as One with "Your Nur", with the Light of "Your wisdom" and Starts to Talk Directly with God, and in this way, Re-established its direct Connection with God within you, Now talking its Life, its Food, its Understanding, Its Everything directly from God within you.
Bawa. Appearing in this way, and only in this way, within man as the "Secret Heart" within the "Inner Heart" within man, all appearing from within the "Inner Heart" of man, when True Man is ready, when True Man is ready to give up His "Pure Life", all which is made up of these 4 of the 5 Mystical Letters within man, appearing initially in man as his "Inner Heart", as a "pure heart or mind or room" , when "you" are ready, when you are ready to give up your impure life.
Bawa. All of which is Now hidden within your "impure heart or mind or room", hidden within your 6 cornered heart, which is Now battling two by two, that is, hidden within the "Star of David" as the 4 letters of "Ahmad" or "alif, mim, hay, and dahl", that is, when the 4 separate religions come to completion through the 1000 Generosities of God, to reveal the Qalb, to reveal the "Inner Heart" of man, and then come together as One to reveal the "Flower of the Qalb".
Bawa. All of which in truth is Now "Everything" that is Now "Within God" within you, just waiting to be revealed, just waiting to germinate as the "Truth of You", within God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to Let "You" happen within "you", that is, to Let the "Truth of You" be revealed by God from within the "falsehood of you", or not.
Bawa. "Filled with The Pure Life", which in truth is Now man's soul, or man's 6th life which is now silent and formless, and the Wisdom surrounding man's soul, which is man's 6th level of wisdom, or Divine Analytic Wisdom, the Consciousness of "One with", which in truth is the Guide for the soul, which is Now man's wisdom, but which in truth is Now "Sleeping Around the Soul", waiting to be awakened by the "Presence of God" and the "Word of God" made flesh, that is, by the Physical Guru/Shaikh Now for your age and for all life.
Bawa. And Sent To the "Earth World", which is First the "Womb of Your Mother", and is Now man's elemental body, a body make out of the 5 elements, and man's mind, which is now the darkness of satan, the consciousness of "separate from", all of which will lead man to the Angel of Death, to the suffering of the grave, and to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth, the Day of Judgment), that is,.
"The evil actions of kalam
(time or arrogance, karma, and illusion))
which will lead man to Kalan (the Angel of Death [A.S.])
Bawa. So man's First Duty is To Have Absolute Faith, Certitude, and Determination in God, and have "unshakable" Faith and Trust in God, and At The Same Time, Not To Have "unshakable" Faith and Trust in anything that Man has Now Become, or that man is Now experiencing as "Who he is", or as "Where he is", or as "What is happening" in his life.
"Expanded Review" of Topic 02:
Bawa. So You Must Have "Determination" in God, and you must have "unshakable" faith and trust in God, all of which you must "use your life" in the "earth world" to Demonstrate to God, that is, to Demonstrate to God at the "feet of God" for your age and for all life, all of which in truth is your Physical Shaikh/Guru for your age and for your life.
Bawa. That is, to let God demonstrate to God Pure Iman, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, that is, to Get God To Demonstrate God's belief in God within you, that in truth God is Everything and Everywhere, that in truth in the Islamic tradition,
"There is nothing other than God",
"You are Allah", And
Muhammad (Sal.) Is the Messenger of God.
that is,
"La illaha, Ill Allahu",
"Muhammadar Rasul Allah"
Bawa. All of which in truth has Now in truth become the following, that is, Now in the Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) Tradition, that is, Now within the "Heart, or Mind, or Room" of this child, and of all of My Children, if you like,
The 5 Kalimas of
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
1. Bawa. "Ill Allahu" - You are Allah (Said as One with Bawa to your soul, that is, said to Jesus (A.S.), that is, said to your awakened wisdom joined as "One with" your liberated soul, in search of the Nur, in search of the Light of your wisdom, that is, said to Jesus (A.S.) Now off of His Cross), having destroyed the "anti-christ", the "Enemy of the soul" within you, within your "Heart, or Mind, or Room", having pulled out the 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the illusory "outside" of yourself and sin, that is, having destroyed "you" continuing to live a life of "separation and differences", a life of selfishness, of sin, with you living as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True". Amen.
2. Bawa. "La illaha" - There is Nothing Other Than God (Said as One with Bawa to the Creation of God, within God within You).
3. Bawa. "Muhammad Mustafa Rasul Allah (Sal.)" - Muhammad or True Man (blessing and peace be upon HIm) is the Chosen Messenger of God (Said as One with Bawa to Muhammad (Sal.) in His Cave), which is you Now living as your "hard rocky mountain", or your mind of "separation and differences", that is, in this way, telling Muhammad (Sal.) within you to "Read", that is, to "Let God Speak", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you)
4. Bawa. "You Are True Man" - You are True Man (Said as One with Bawa to You or to Muhammad (Sal.) on His Journey to God known as Mi'raj), that is, allowing You or Muhammad (Sal.) to "Lower His/Your Final Veil", which is the Final Veil that "Separates Him/You" from Him/God, after having successfully climbed to the top of His/Your Mind as Jesus (A.S.), that is, Removing all of His/Your "separation from" God, Establishing His/Your "Oneness with" God, Completing what is Now Known as God "Breathing Out", establishing "True Man within God" within you.
And in this way, and Only in this way, Completing the First Part of God's Story, within God within you, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man, and the First Part of that Story of God which is the Story of "True Man within God", which in truth is "God Breathing Out", which in truth is God establishing "God's Bank" within God within you, So you can pick it up, as Now your True Heritage, your True Birthright, the True Destiny of your soul, all of which in truth is True Man within God, or the Understanding of God, within God within you, or what is "Within God" within you, allowing all of God's Children, which in truth is you and all of your brothers and sisters, to answer your Question, the Question, "Who am I?", for in truth "You Are True Man", the "One True Man" within God within you, you all are, if you like, and that is the "Great Simplicity of You", if you like, So in the End, there is "No Child Left Behind".
Allowing You or "True Man within God" within you to Complete the Second Part of God's Story, which is the Story of "God within True Man", which in Truth is "God Breathing In". which is God pulling Everything back into Himself, from which Everything has come, all of which in truth is True Man establishing "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank" within God within you, or Allah Muhammad within the Nur Muhammad within God within you, or the Understanding of True Man within True Man within God within you, an Understanding that allows all of Creation to God to return to God, from which Everything has come, So in the End, there is Nothing Sill "Separating God" from God. Amen.
5. Bawa. "He Is One" - He is One (Said as One with Bawa to God on His/Your Journey Back To God within you), that is, said to God within "True Man within God" within you, on His/Your Journey known as True Man Completing the Second Part of God's Story, which is the Story of "God within True Man", which in Truth is "God Breathing In". which is God pulling Everything back into Himself, from which Everything has come. All of which in truth is True Man establishing "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank" within God within you, or Allah Muhammad within the Nur Muhammad within God within you, or the Understanding of True Man within True Man within God within you, an Understanding that allows all of Creation to God to return to God, from which Everything has come, So in the End, there is Nothing Sill "Separating God" from God. Amen.
"Expanded Text" of Topic 02:
When man was created originally in an earthen pot, into which was filled the pure life and sent down to the earth-world, God said,
"O Man, you are going to the earth-world; go there and worship Me with faith and certitude."
"Those who visit the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), and the illusory realms of Maya,
"You must believe in the "Five Letters", the "Five Magical Letters (Panchadcharam), or the "Five Pillars" (the Five Sharths). You must recite the "Five Kalimas (assertions of belief with
In this way,
Understanding Only Occurs Through Contrast,
That Is, The Contrast Between the
"Earthen Pot" and the "Brass Vessel",
That Is, Between What "We" Came As, the "Earthen Pot"
And What "we" have Now Become, The "Brass Vessel".
Understand of Anything Only Occurs "By Becoming" It,
As Your Guru/Shaikh Is Now Doing, That Is,
By Becoming "One with" What You Are Trying To Understand,
Not "By Studying" Anything As "Separate From" It,
As All of My Children Are Now Trying To Do, But To Your Peril.
Only Then Can My Children Understand God,
Or The Guru, Or The Shaikh, All of Whom Are You, If You Like,
All of Whom Are One, If You Like. Amen.
In this way, You First came into the world as the "Earthen Pot" filled with the soul, with the "Pure Life" to the "Earth World", filled with "Everything Within God" within you, and you have Changed, you have Now become the "Brass Vessel" filled with the "false life", filled with "everything God has discarded", to be come God within you, all of which in truth is the First of God's Schools within you, is Now the "School of Contrast" within you, So the soul can understand what is Now "Separating the soul" from God, which in truth is Now you, is Now you as your "current life" of "separation and differences", is Now your "current life" of selfishness, of sin, with you Now living a life on the illusory "outside" of yourself as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".
So it is said. In other words, you must have determination of heart and mind, and believe that
God is Everything and is Everywhere. There are several meanings to these words.
"Original Text" of Topic 02:
When man was created originally in an earthen pot, into which was filled the pure life and sent down to the earth-world, God said,
"O Man, you are going to the earth-world; go there and worship Me with faith and certitude."
"Those who visit the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), and the illusory realms of Maya,
"You must believe in the "Five Letters", the "Five Magical Letters (Panchadcharam), or the "Five Pillars" (the Five Sharths). You must recite the "Five Kalimas (assertions of belief with
So it is said. In other words, you must have determination of heart and mind, and believe that God is Everything and is Everywhere. There are several meanings to these words.
3. Man's Second Duty - The Second Duty of Man Is "True Prayer", for God has Commanded that Man Must Worship The Lord And Pray To Him
"Short Summary" of Topic 03:
Bawa. The Second Duty of Man Is "True Prayer", for God has Commanded that Man Must Worship The Lord And Pray To Him, But for man to "Truly Pray", that is, to truly do this in your lifetime, you Must "Swear by God to be Close To God, Breath to Breath, Speech to Speech, and Thus Worship Him".
Bawa. And to do this, that is, for you to "Truly Pray", you must First become "One with" God before you "Start to Prays To God", as this child has Now learned to do. And to do this you must truly "Intend" the "Presence of God" as "One with", Rather than continuing to "Intend" "your presence" as "separate from", before you "Start to Pray", and before you "Do, Say, or Write" anything, as this child has Now learned to do.
"Longer Summary" of Topic 03:
Bawa. And to do this you must Realize, Understand, Accept, and "Say The Name" of God, that is, the Name of the Guru/Shaikh that God has Now Given for your age and for all life, before you "Start to Pray", before you "Do, Say, or Write" Anything, as this child has Now learned to do, First on the "outside" of you, with God Now on the "outside" of you as your Physical Guru/Shaikh, and then within you, as God within your Physical Guru/Shaikh.
Bawa. And Now in truth for your age and for all life, God's Name For God, that is, for your Guru/Shaikh is "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and God's Gift of a Physical Guru/Shaikh for your age and Now for all life, is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", and that is for sure. Amen.
"Initial Review" of Topic 03:
Bawa. Man Must Worship The Lord And Pray To Him, and to truly do this in his lifetime he Must Swear by God to be "Close To God", Breath to Breath, Speech to Speech, and Thus Worship Him.
Bawa. To Truly Do This, Man Must truly Intend God, that is, he Must truly Set his Intention on the "Presence of God" as "One with", that is, on what "God has to do", Rather Than on "his presence" as "separate from", that is, Rather than on what "he has to do", both at the time of "preparation for prayer" and at the "time of prayer.
Bawa. That is, Both at the time of "ablutions" in the Islamic tradition, as well as at the time of prayer, or "salat" in the Islamic tradition, he must Set His Intention on the "Presence of God", that is, on what God has to do, For example, at the time of ablutions, for God to "Cure Himself of you", and at the time of prayer, for God to "Pray to God".
Bawa. That is, he must Set His Intention for the "Presence of God" in his life as "One with" Everyone and Everything in his life, Rather than "his presence" as "separate from" God within him, as "separate from" his brothers and sisters, and as "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within him, all of which in truth is "Just Not True".
Bawa. Realizing without the slightest doubt that in truth "Only God" within him can pray to God within him, and "Only God" within him can do duty to God within him, and "Only God" within him can awaken to and learn about God within him, not him living as "a person", as a "false fellowship" of "like minded people" who talk and talk about everyone and everything, including talking abut God, but always doing it as part of an illusory life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of himself, as if he is "separate from" God within him, as if he is "separate from" his brothers and sisters, and as if he is "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within him, all of which in truth is "Just Not True",
Bawa. But Never with him doing it as "One with" God, as "One with" his brothers and sisters, and as "One with" the Creation of God, that is, But Never Doing his ablutions, his prayer, his duty, his study, and his learning about God, joined in Partnership with God, as "One with" God. For Example, to let God "Awaken To Himself" in his own lifetime, selfishly offering himself to God for His Purpose, that is, But Never Doing It to liberate the soul, For Example, letting the soul and all of Creation return to God, from which they have come, But Never Doing It, So God can "Become God" within him, and that is for sure, But Never Doing It So in the End, "No Child is Left Behind", So in the End, the is Nothing Still "Separating God" from God. Amen.
"Expanded Review" of Topic 03:
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"Expanded Text" of Topic 03:
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"Original Text" of Topic 03:
Second, you must worship the Lord and pray to Him. He exists Now, existed then, and will always exist.
One Person will say,
"Fear Him".
And Another will say,
"Go to the temple and worship Him".
There are many meanings for the Second Letter of Panchadcharam too.
4. Man's Third Duty - The Third Duty of Man Is "Charity", but in truth the only "True Charity" in all things, and at all times, is to give others "God's Presence", which is always "Win-Win", Rather than, "your presence", which is always "win-lose"
"Short Summary" of Topic 04:
Bawa. The Third Duty of Man is Charity. And People Say Many Different Things About Charity, Like "You must offer Charity in kind and word, and one-fourth of your income should be given in charity", but in truth the only "True Charity" in all things, and at all times, is to give to others "God's Presence", which is always "Win-Win", Rather than, "your presence", which is always "win-lose".
Bawa. That is, in all things, and at all timed, you must offer Charity to others by "stepping back", inviting God to "Step Forward", as this child has Now learned to do.
"Longer Summary" of Topic 04:
Bawa. And to do this, Now in your age and for all life, to do this "Giving of True Charity", that is, this Giving of "God's Presence" Rather than your "presence", this Stepping Back, so God can Step Forward, Rather than you "stepping forward", in all things and at all times, you must say the Word "Bawa", that is, you must say the Name of your Guru/Shaikh for your age, and Now for all life, before you "Say, or Do, or Write" anything, as this child has Now learned to do.
Bawa. And you must Now Start to accept as your Physical Guru/Shaikh for your age, and Now for all life, and Now Start to use Him as such, Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased". Amen
"Initial Review" of Topic 04:
- In process. Please come back later. Thank you -
"Expanded Review" of Topic 04:
- In process. Please come back later. Thank you -
"Expanded Text" of Topic 04:
Thirdly, people have many things to say about Charity, which on the surface seems to be a very good thing to do, and if done while you are living in the world will certainly make your life in the world easier, both within yourself in terms of your peacefulness with yourself, both about you being a "good person", and about what belongs to you in the world, and with your conscience, which is always spoken of in terms of encouraging you to "do the right thing".
For Example, the giving away of ¼ of your wealth in the Islamic tradition to the Mosque, and giving donations to the Church for the poor and needy in the Christian tradition, all of which will most certainly help you feel more peaceful about yourself, as a "good person", and about all of the wealth that you, or your family may have accumulated while living in the world, and about all of the bounty that you may believe God has given to you, and to your family, like your wife, children, and family, your job, your career, your reputation, your status, and other such things in the world.
For Example, one person will say,
"You must perform charity,
give gifts, do good deeds,
offer alms in memory of the dead (thivasam)",
and perform many such similar acts."
Another will say,
"Give Charity in Kind (sadhaqua),
feed the poor, give away clothes (sarees),
build Mosques, build houses,
make recitals in memory of the dead,
and recite the "Opening Chapter"
in the Holy Qur'an (Suratul Fatihah).
This is acceptable to God. Do not neglect this.
(But) there are many meanings to all these.
For example, if all that we have to be concerned about while living in the world is pleasing God through good deeds, that is, is about 'Working for wages to get into heaven", that is, about doing what we have been told to do in our life, by God through the Prophets of God, and by our parents, and by our Mosque, Church, or Temple, then doing Charity in this manner would certainly seem sufficient.
But that is not so, for in truth there is something else that is much more important that we must address while living in the world, and that has to do with our soul, and with the relationship between our soul and God, all of which is certainly not affected in any way by our trying to please God though our good deeds, that is, by our "Working for wages to get into heaven", for in truth only our soul has to do with God, not "us living in the world", because in truth "Only what came from God" can return to God, not what "grew here".
For in truth all that Now makes up our current life of "separation and differences" living as "a person" on the illusory "outside" of ourselves, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within us, all of which in truth is "Just Not True", Only has to do with what "grew here", not with what came here.
So in this context, in terms of our soul and of the wisdom surrounding our soul, the nature of our "True Life", and the role of Charity in our "True Life", becomes a very different matter indeed, and all of these earlier exhortations about the need to give Charity in order to become pleasing to God, literally fall away, for in truth how can you "give charity", how can you "own anything", when in truth "Only God exists".
"Original Text" of Topic 04:
Thirdly, one person will say,
"You must perform charity,
give gifts, do good deeds,
offer alms in memory of the dead (thivasam)",
and perform many such similar acts."
Another will say,
"Give Charity in Kind (sadhaqua),
feed the poor, give away clothes (sarees),
build Mosques, build houses,
make recitals in memory of the dead,
and recite the "Opening Chapter"
in the Holy Qur'an (Suratul Fatihah).
This is acceptable to God. Do not neglect this.
(But) there are many meanings to all these.
5. Man's Fourth Duty - The Fourth Duty of Man is "The Fast", but in truth the only "True Fast" is to fast from yourself
"Short Summary" of Topic 05:
Bawa. The Fourth duty of Man is "The Fast". This must be done. And People Say Many Different Things About Fasting, Like, "You must observe the fast, Not only for the sake of God Himself but also for the benefit of your soul, you must be full of pity and compassion for others.
Bawa. But in truth the only "True Fast" is to fast from 'yourself", that is, to Join in Partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, that is, to Close Down the world of demons, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within you, to Re-open the World of souls within God within you, and then to Open the Kingdom of God within True Man within God within you, all of which in truth are Now the 18,000 Universes within God within you.
"Longer Summary" of Topic 05:
Bawa. That is, to "Truly Fast" you must Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you as your Physical Guru/Shaikh, and then within you, as God within You, as God within the Physical Guru/Shaikh, in order to Close Down the 9 openings of your elemental body that Now Rule Over You with God's Permission.
Bawa. That is, to "Truly Fast" you must Join as "One with" God within you to Close Down the World of demons within you, which is Now you living below your waist, and Close Down the World of jinns within you, which is Now you living as your stomach, and Close Down the World of fairies within you, which is Now you living within our chest as the false lives or impure souls within your chest, all animated by the soul which is Now formless and soundless within you, and all controlling you as the 9 openings of your elemental body, with God's Permission, that is, as the 7 openings in your head and the two openings below, and all of which in truth are the 1st 1000 of the 18,000 Universes within God within you.
Bawa. And then as the Qutb, the Action of God within you, you must Join as "One with" God within you to Re-open the World of souls within God within you, all of which in truth are the Next 16,000 of the 18,000 universes within God within you, and then as True Man within God within you, you must Join as "One with" God to Open the Kingdom of God within True Man within God within you, which in truth are the Last 1000 of the 18,000 Universes within God within you.
Bawa. That is, you must join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to Close down everything that Now Falsely Defines you as "a person", that is, that Now Falsely Defines you as "your parents", as the "Enemy of your soul", as the "anti-christ", as "Jesus (A.S.) on His Cross", as one who exists as "separate from", all of which is "Just Not True".
Bawa. That Now Define you as a "false fellowship" of "like minded people" who come together to talk, and talk, and talk about everyone and everything, including talking about God, But Never to become what you talk about, But Never to Become "One with" the Creation of God, But Never to Become "One with" each other, But Never to Become "One with" God. And in this way, and only in this way, But Never to "Become God".
Bawa. That is, But Never to Let God within you tell and bring to Completion His Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", but this time within you, by you Becoming "One with" True Man, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to Become True Man, First within you and then on the "outside" of you, as this child has Now learned to do, that is, to allow God to finish telling the First Part of His Story, which is the Story of "True Man within God" within you, So as True Man You could then tell and bring to Completion the Second Part of His Story, which is the Story of "God within True Man", So in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", So in the End, there is Nothing Still "Separating God" from God. Amen.
"Initial Review" of Topic 05:
Bawa. In this way, Man's Fourth Duty is the fast. This must be done. And People Say Many Different Things About Fasting, Like, "You must observe the fast, Not only for the sake of God Himself but also for the benefit of your soul, you must be full of pity and compassion for others. But in truth the only "True Fast" is to fast from 'yourself", that is, to Join in Partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you to "destroy you" and "Reveal God".
Bawa. That is, to Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you as your Physical Guru/Shaikh, and then within you as God within You Now as the Physical Guru/Shaikh, to Close Down the world of demons, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within you, to Re-open the World of souls within God within you, and then to Open the Kingdom of God, within the World of souls within God within you, all of which are the 18,000 Universes within God within you.
Bawa. That is, to "Truly Fast" you must Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you as your Physical Guru/Shaikh, and then within you, as God within You Now as the Physical Guru/Shaikh, to Close Down the 9 openings of your elemental body that Now Rule Over You with God's Permission.
Bawa. That is, to "Truly Fast" you must Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to Close Down the World of demons, jinns, and fairies within you, that is, to Close Down the World of demons within you which is Now you living below your waist as a demon, and Close Down the World of jinns within you, which is Now you living within your stomach as a jinn, and Close Down the World of fairies within you, which is Now you living within our chest as a fairy.
Bawa. That is, with you Now living as the false lives or impure souls that Now live within you below your waist, in your stomach, and in your chest, all of which are Now animated by your soul which in truth has Yet To Manifest, and is Now formless and soundless within you, running all over within you like your breath, or smoke or vapor, and all of which Now control or rule over you as the 7 openings in your head and as the two openings below.
Bawa. And all of which in truth are the 1st 1000 of the 18,000 Universes within God within you, that you have Now opened within you, in your ignorance and that you are Now keeping open within you, No Matter What, in your arrogance about your ignorance, and that is for sure, that is, No Matter What God tells you to the contrary, that in truth "You" and God" within you are One, that "You" and your brothers and sister are One, and that "You" and The Creation of God, within God within you, are all One, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, you must Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to Re-open the World of souls within you, which in truth are the Next 16,000 of the 18,000 universes within God within you, and then to Open the Kingdom of God within you, which in truth are the Last 1000 of the 18,000 Universes within God within you.
Bawa. That is, you must Join as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you to Close down everything that Now Defines you as "a person", that is, as "your parents", as the "Enemy of your soul", as the "anti-christ", as "Jesus (A.S.) on His Cross", as one who exists Only as "separate from".
Bawa. That Now Defines you as a "false fellowship" of "like minded people" who come together to talk, and talk, and talk about everyone and everything, including talking about God, But Never to become what you talk about, But Never to Become "One with" the Creation of God, But Never to Become "One with" each other, But Never to Become "One with" God. And in this way, and only in this way, But Never to "Become God".
"Expanded Review" of Topic 05:
- In process. Please come back later. Thank you -
"Expanded Text" of Topic 05:
Fourthly, observe the fast and see to the needs of the poor. On the twenty-seventh day of the fast give away money, clothes, and many other things.
One person says that fasting is acceptable to God. Others will say you must observe fasting (viratham), offer sacrifice, give alms in memory of the dead (thivasam), and perform funeral rites (anthiraddi), invocation to Lord Skanda (kandashasti), observe the new moon on the first day of the lunar month (amavaasai) keep awake on the night of supplication to Lord Siva (Sivarathri), and similar observances.
They will say, these are the duties of man,
"Believe in God, Perform your duties regularly.
Go to the temple and worship. Perform temple duties."
They offer similar such advice.
Some others will say,
"Come to the temple. This is an important duty.
Do not neglect these five duties. Come to the mosque.
Do your prayers. If you do not come to the mosque you will enter hell.
Fear God. Live as human or you will be sent to hell.
And they utter many such other words.
But My Son, in a world of this fashion, only if men living as humans perform their duties properly, that is, as "One with" God within them, will they be known as men.
Man's belief in God's Creation, and man's belief in man, and in what man thinks that he does, that is, in his "Righteousness", that is, in man traits, in man nature, and in man's worship of God are all considered as part of man's duty. But it is not so.
First and foremost man must be born a human, and he must be born a human Before he can worship God.
That is, man must be born in the world, but then while still living in the world man must die in God, and then while still living in the world man must be born into God, all before he dies to the flesh, all before the illusory "outside" of man is over, or at least Truly Start To Do This, in Partnership with God within him, as "One with" God within him, only then does man become human, only then can man worship God, only then can man do God's Duty to His Creation, only then will man have become "True Man", and then "Perfected Man". And This is very, very rare.
"Original Text" of Topic 05:
Fourthly, observe the fast and see to the needs of the poor. On the twenty-seventh day of the fast give away money, clothes, and many other things.
One person says that fasting is acceptable to God. Others will say you must observe fasting (viratham), offer sacrifice, give alms in memory of the dead (thivasam), and perform funeral rites (anthiraddi), invocation to Lord Skanda (kandashasti), observe the new moon on the first day of the lunar month (amavaasai) keep awake on the night of supplication to Lord Siva (Sivarathri), and similar observances.
They will say, these are the duties of man,
"Believe in God, Perform your duties regularly.
Go to the temple and worship. Perform temple duties."
They offer similar such advice.
Some others will say,
"Come to the temple. This is an important duty.
Do not neglect these five duties. Come to the mosque.
Do your prayers. If you do not come to the mosque you will enter hell.
Fear God. Live as human or you will be sent to hell.
And they utter many such other words.
But My Son, in a world of this fashion, only if men living as humans perform their duties properly, will they be known as men.
Man's belief in God's Creation, his traits, his nature, and his worship are all considered as part of man's duty. But it is not so.
First and foremost he must be born a human, This is very, very rare.
(for Topics 06 to 15)
End of "Page 1 of 2" for
(for Topics 01 to 05)
For "The Book",
"The Pearl of Wisdom"
- Chapter 18 -
"The Duties of Man"
"Wisdom Review" of "Expanded Version"